Ready to book with Christina?

Christina Martinez Photography offers wedding and portrait photography in Houston, Central TX, and beyond. Here’s how you can book a session to capture the most precious moments in your life:

1. Inquire

Please fill out our form below. After we receive your form, please allow 24-48 hours for a personal response from Christina. After reviewing your inquiry, Christina will review next steps to get your date booked.

2. Contract & Pay

After reviewing next steps with Christina, you will receive your contract and invoice to pay your retainer. A 50% retainer is required for portrait sessions & a $500 retainer is required for weddings to reserve your date and to add you to our calendar.

3. You're booked!

Once we've received your contract and retainer payment, you are officially on the books! Next, Christina will follow up to start planning all the details with you.

Questions? Email us at